Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) Techniques

Albert Ellis: Rational Humorous Songs to Confront Irrational Beliefs

In this video Albert Ellis describes how he uses Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) songs and humor as a technique to help clients to identify cognitive distortions and confront irrational beliefs. For more information on Ellis' REBT songs, please see Ellis (1977).

Playback problems? This video is available on YouTube at YouTu.be/QAwYVlkagMk

Richard E. Watts: REBT Song Recordings

The original songs can be found on the author's website, located here. More information on these songs can be found in Watts (1996).

REBT Song: Fallibility

Click here to download the song

Sung to the tune Dinah Won't You Blow Your Horn

Every time I make a mistake,
Then I think I am not good enough,
It means I don't have what it takes,
If it's not perfect, it's fluff!

Fallibility, fallibility, absolutely will not work for me.
Worthless I will be with fallibility, gotta do life perfectly.

Upon even further reflection,
Oh I can see its my job,
For I can't stand imperfection,
Because it means that I'm a slob.

Fallibility, fallibility, absolutely will not work for me.
Worthless I will be with fallibility, gotta do life perfectly.

REBT Song: Perfectionist's Refrain

Click here to download the song.

Sung to the tune Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
(Lyrics Richard E. Watts. Tunes: Traditional)

Perfect, perfect I must be or I'm worthless don't you see.
I must never slip and fall, I must never fail at all.
Perfect, perfect I must be or I'm worthless don't you see.

REBT Song: Obsessive Lover's Concerto

Click here to download the song.

Sung to the tune Jimmy Cracked Corn and I don't Care

Oh, you must love me, yes it's true. For if you don’t I'll be so blue.
I’ll pout and wail and boo, hoo, hoo, if you don't love me true.
I cannot live without you dear. I can't go on without you here.
I cannot live without you near. Oh, you must love me dear.
If you decide that you won't stay. I'll never make another day.
Just like a worm I'll crawl away, that's all I have to say.

REBT Song: Rejected Lover's Refrain

Click here to download the song..

Sung to the tune On Top of Old Smokey

(Lyrics Richard E. Watts. Tunes: Traditional)

Oh sweetie, you've left me. Oh, lover, you're gone.
Since I've been rejected, I cannot go on.
Oh, why did you leave me? What's that all about?
I guess that I'm worthless and you figured it out.
I really deserve this, I know that it's true.
If I only could dear, why, I'd leave me too!

REBT Song: This Old World

Click here to download the song.

Sung to the tune This Old Man

(Lyrics Richard E. Watts. Tunes: Traditional)

This old world, it's not fair,
I can't stand it anywhere.
Yes, it's just awful living every day,
When I do not get my way.
Others should be condemned,
When they don’t obey my whims.
So I will pout and swell up like a toad,
'Till they treat me like they should.

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