Conceptual & Goal-Setting Skills

A conceptual map is important, as it guides counselors' work with their clients. The skills on this page can be honed, which will result in more complete conceptual maps, and thus better client care.

To learn more about conceptualizing counseling clients, check out the Conceptualizing class.

Goal Setting

In-depth information on goal setting is available in the Goal Setting unit in the Client Conceptualization class.

This microskill involves the counselor and client coconstructing clearly articulated and attainable long-term goals that are broken into short-term objectives.

Session content can be connected to goals & session direction can be based on goals.

Aligning Counseling Interventions with Treatment Goals

In depth information regarding aligning counseling interventions with treatment goals is available in the Conceptualizing Interventions unit in the Client Conceptualization class.

This micro-skill involves the counselor matching short term and long term treatment goals with specific counseling interventions and techniques that will allow the client opportunities to practice making small steps towards their goals. Interventions are guided by the theoretical approach that the counselor is utilizing and are aligned with the goals that the counselor and client have co-constructed. Theoretical approach(es), goals, and interventions should be informed by client perspectives/culture and carefully tailored to fit client's unique needs and contexts.

Critical Thinking Skills

Critical Thinking is a foundational skill for professional counselors. There are many theories and models that could explain a client's presenting concern, and counselors must employ critical thinking to sort through how to best work with a particular client at a particular point in time.