Consultants, like counselors, often face ethical dilemmas. While
well-crafted informed consent paperwork helps to mitigate some potential
ethical dilemmas, no consultant can anticipate every ethical scenario. Because
professional norms and values develop across time, it is important that
counselors, including those acting as consultants, engage in ongoing ethics
training (Neukrug & Milliken, 2011).
How much did you relate to this ethical decision making model?
Do you see yourself using this model?
If you don't see yourself using this model, what
other models might be more useful?
How can you locate other ethical decision making
Hypothetical Ethical Scenarios
Ethics can seem fairly straightforward (black &
white) on paper. However, in practice ethical situations are often
complex, nuanced, and difficult to navigate. Counselors,
consultants, and collaborators may even find themselves stuck between two
different ethical codes. The following ethical scenarios are written so
that counselors can begin to look beyond ethics as either right or wrong.
When reading through these scenarios, consider how you will apply your
preferred ethical decision making model.
The first ethical scenario can be downloaded here.
The second ethical scenario can be downloaded here.
The third ethical scenario can be downloaded here.
After reading through the above scenarios, select and apply an ethical
decision making model to determine what course of action you will take.